Denise Magee is the Official QuickBooks Whiz. Since 1998, she has dedicated her practice to assisting QuickBooks users by helping them setup their QuickBooks files, then training them how to "Put the 'Quick' into QuickBooks". She is an Expert in all Intuit products and her firm sells all QuickBooks products from QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions to the Point of Sale.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Backing Up QuickBooks Data File- Best Practices
Recently I received an email from a client (Bryan...this is for you) that ended up with a severely corrupted QuickBooks file, so severe that Intuit was needed to fix it. He asked me to provide a “Best Practice” for backing up.If you have a server that backs up your QuickBooks file, great…but that is not good enough. In a previous forum post, I spoke a little about the .tlg file (transaction log file) that grows until you physically make a backup file. That is not the only reason for backing up. You also need to verify the file does not have corruptions in it. To backup in the new 2009 QuickBooks, this means clicking on FILE>SAVE COPY OR BACKUP. Keep the BACKUP COPY selected, then click on NEXT. When you see the button that says OPTIONS, under the LOCAL BACKUP button, click on OPTIONS. In there you will Browse for a location that you would have created a backup folder in, (hopefully one that is being backed up using other backup media/methods). The last important option in this screen is the COMPLETE VERIFICATION, (make sure this is selected). Then you can click on OK, and FINISH. You must perform a VERIFY DATA and do it frequently, possibly weekly. This is the only way you will know if you have any corruptions. In many cases, QuickBooks will be able to fix smaller corruptions. However if you do not fix them early, they can bloom into much larger issues causing more damage.